Thursday, January 4, 2007

The Narrowing of the Nominations

So the Producers’ Guild announced its five nominations for Best Picture yesterday.
No real jaw-droppers here:
The Departed
Little Miss Sunshine
The Queen

For the record, I was really happy to see Sunshine on this list. With each passing day its chances for a Best Pic Oscar nomination seem more likely.

Then SAG announced this morning and except for the scuttlebutt over Leo’s demotion to the supporting category (and thus, more than likely, booting either Jack or Marky out of this company), there were few surprises. Best Ensemble mirrors the Guild’s best picture choices with the exception of The Queen ko’d by Bobby, which really isn’t that surprising since at least half of the SAG members were in the latter.

At least things are starting to sort themselves out at this point as regards front-runners. Of the groups that have announced nominations (Producers, HFP, Online, Broadcast, and SAG) only Babel and The Departed have snagged Best Picture noms from all five. Sunshine and Dreamgirls grabbed four out of five. The Queen, with three, rounds out the Top Five contenders, for me, at this point in the race.

I would suggest that Letters from Iwo Jima remains a possibility as does United 93 (which currently has more Best Picture nods from the various critics groups….but this, of course, means nothing.) DGA nominations will, as always, help to focus or muddy final predictions.

For a banquet of discourse on the above and all things related, scoot over to Oscarwatch or Movie City News. Handy links are to your right.


writer said...

"Little Miss Sunshine" was SUCH a disappointment. Basically, "Happy, Texas" without the wit. A mute Steve Carell? Toni Collette, aka the ugliest gal on the big screen since Ma Kettle? Tim! Tim! This movie was a little dollop of smut (watch the chubby tyke bump and grind!) that deserves NO awards or nominations. But you and I rarely agree on such things....

shelley said...

So, Mr. Puff-n-Stuff, how utterly devasted and disappointed will you me with me to learn that I haven't seen a single one of these movies?

EW has suggested 25 films I need to see before the Oscars air.

Can I narrow those down to these five?

Nice blog.

Jon and I went to see "The Holiday" today and he told me about it.

Hope you don't mind I dropped in.



By the way, theprofessor...though Toni isn't a conventional beauty like...say...Kidman...she is beautiful...and amazing. I love, Love, LOVE HER and simply won't stand for such disparaging remarks against my dear Miss Collette.

However...I'm intrigued by your "dollop of smut" review and now MUST see the movie.